Join us for an empowering and inclusive childbirth education series provided by doulas. The program is designed to support Lancaster community members, whether you are interested in becoming pregnant, are pregnant, or postpartum.

This four-part course is tailored to provide culturally competent care, honoring every phase in the journey of childbirth.

Meet the Team

  • Sabrina Torres, CD


    Sabrina is the administration support for For U By Doulas (FUBD). Sabrina is also a certified doula. If you have any questions about FUBD, email her at

  • Lydia Castaneda, CD, CBS


    Lydia is the Co-Founder of For U By Doulas (FUBD). Lydia has been a certified doula for 5 years and will serve as one of your birth education instructors.

  • Ashlee Heyward, CD


    Ashlee is the Co-Founder of For U By Doulas (FUBD). Ashlee has been a certified doula for 3 years and will serve as one of your birth education instructors.

The Course

For U By Doulas four-part course will consist of four consecutive sessions. Sessions will be every Thursday evening for four consecutive weeks.

The sessions delivered will cover the following topics:

Birth Education & Planning

Comfort Measures

Know Your Rights

Lactation Education