Join us for a community education series led by doulas!

This program is designed for anyone in the Lancaster community who is considering having a baby, is currently pregnant, or has recently welcomed a new child. Our classes provide support and care that not only respects but also celebrates your culture, guiding you through every step of the childbirth journey.

The Course

For U By Doulas four-part course will consist of four consecutive sessions. Sessions will be every Thursday evening for four consecutive weeks.

The sessions delivered will cover the following topics:

Birth Education & Planning

Comfort Measures

Know Your Rights

Lactation Education

Meet the Team

  • Sabrina Torres, CD


    Sabrina is the administration support for For U By Doulas (FUBD). Sabrina is also a certified doula. If you have any questions about FUBD, email her at

  • Lydia Castaneda, CD, CBS


    Lydia is the Co-Founder of For U By Doulas (FUBD). Lydia has been a certified doula for 5 years and will serve as one of your birth education instructors.

  • Ashlee Heyward, CD


    Ashlee is the Co-Founder of For U By Doulas (FUBD). Ashlee has been a certified doula for 3 years and will serve as one of your birth education instructors.

  • Blessing Uko, CD


    Blessing is a Doula Instructor of For U By Doulas (FUBD). Blessing has been a certified doula for 1 year and brings a wealth of experience in public health and motherhood.